Technology Solutions

Treewise ProMS™ system

ProMS is a vegetation management process using LiDAR, geospatial and satellite technology enabling our customers to design efficient strategies to eliminate service outages; reduce regulatory compliance; inprove business operational efficiency while enhancing the environment and biodiversity

Once the LiDAR or Earth Observation data has been processed it is uploaded into our system, which then produces the risk management rating for the assets that help our customers with their operational decision support processes e.g. downstream activities for vegetation management such as felling and pruning of trees.

ProMS’s arboreal algorithms then allow for growth modelling, supported by secondary datasets and other modelling capabilities such as meteorological forecasting to provide an accurate risk value to allow our customers to proactively plan their maintenance and management activities and thereby significantly reduce operational overheads and costs.

Handheld devices and mobile field app

ProMS Mobile for Android devices is available on the Google Play Store. Users can log in to ProMS Mobile with provided personal credentials. After login, the user can see Projects and related map content (basemaps, raster and vector layers) in the application. The application can display the user's own location, centre the map based on the location, or rotate the current map view with the compass of the device if the device used supports the respected positioning features.

This simple low cost mobile field app is designed to close the loop between the geospacial database and the field crews. Information collected in the field drives the program allowing managers to better deploy resource/skills sets for work operations and importantly manage site and employee safety.

There is a direct link between in field mobile apps and trees as assets. Managers can identify their reoccurring problems/risks and also provide information that identifies a monetised risk model, better planning, scheduling and coordination of maintenance and capital work programme.

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